Here I am watching you, watching all the things that people did everytime, make them come into my mind and makes me happy even just for a while, think about them, care without words of them.
I always drawing all the time, mostly. I just curious when I read bibliography of Leonardo Da Vinci which is always drawing in his life and he got 200.000 sketch collections. I want it more in my life, not to be famous, but just to make more comfortable to runnin my life.
Yes I love books so much, so much. When you try to know me, try to make some little conversations about the book, all the book. Fictions, science, culture, arts, music, movie, all the things.
Yes, I know. Books.
I am coming from small unknown village in South Sulawesi called Tana Toraja. And now I am living in Jogja, and after february 2013 I will leave this lovely city and going to another lovely city called Kuta in Bali.
Scoote, yes this is mine, I gave him name Jimmy.
What I think about life is S.U.C.K when we face it without doing something benefit for someone else, no matter, however, its all about sharing.
I gave you two of my finger as a sign to make you smile, and want to be my friend. Nothing more, just friend, that's it.
What was come into my mind, I cannot really understand it if I havent draw it or write it into blank paper.
I am respect to the time.
Coffee tester, cigarette machine. Close your mouth dont speak useless and talkative. Close your eyes dont look at the things that you doesnt want to see. Close your ears to not listen shitty words.
She is my "anonymous" inspirations, she actually never really exist into reality, just my imagination, well maybe some people will think that she is someone from my past, or maybe I was stuck in the moment and cannot get out. No, absolutely not, she give me inspirations to make my drawing much better, that's it.
Are you can see it? She is my "anonymous inspirations". That's all folks :D
Well, I am the ugly duck, mean never really care about my own style lol
Someday, I wanna try to be fashion designer. Because I love to see people style in their life, even I dont care about my own style, but really my life is dedicate to someone else, to sharing, to loving, to caring.
The owl, silent when everybody busy and busy when everybody silent.
Light my fire.
That's all what I can tell you about me, I mean something that people doesnt know will knowable. All of this photos already publish in Instagram. And you can add me if you got domain in Instagram: da_armstrong
Jogja Jombor, February , 03, 2013. 17:05