Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stuck in Somewhere

Could you hear the sound of the ocean,
Come with screamly whisper into your ears,
Just like want to tell you a story between future and past,
Which sometimes people called it as today,
Here I am watching the dancing wave,
Scroughing with melancholic voice,
In the afternoon of cloudy skies,
Could you see the red shine of the sun?
Before his fall into daily sleep,
As a sign the moon will come to change his place,
People and dog walking together all around,
Splash the sand with their feet,
The night suddenly close the day,
I will start this nowhere journey,
In the stranger land for anonymous stranger...

Kuta Beach, 27 February 2013, 18:54

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hari Minggu Terakhir di Jogja

Sabtu minggu lalu akhirnya aku selesai dari bangku perkuliahan, yah setelah 6 tahun lamanya berkutat dengan pendidikan yang dibiayai oleh orang tua, dan sekarang aku sudah terbebas dari istilah sembunyi di ketek orang tua. Dimana sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu, setelah bebas teori justru aku ingin berhenti kuliah, biasa masalah klasik yakni tidak merasa berada di jurusan yang di inginkan, akhirnya aku memutuskan cuti satu tahun sambil mikir-mikir.

Daripada cutinya sia-sia maka aku pun mulai les beberapa hal yang aku sukai diantaranya Bahasa Prancis, Bahasa Jepang, dan menari Salsa. Bahkan aku sempat kerja fulltime sebagai illustrator di C.V Degeta. Hari-hari berlalu dan tak terasa setahun pun telah lewat dan desakan dari orang tua agar selesaikan kuliah pun berkumandang. Aku kembali kuliah dengan malas-malas, padahal tinggal mengurus KKN dan Skripsi saja, tapi hingga 3 semester berlalu tak satupu dari kedua hal tersebut tersentuh. Tapi entah mengapa 3 semester terakhir ini aku jadi bersemangat, semester pertama aku selesaikan KKN, kedua selesai skripsi, ketiga wisuda.

Hari ini hari terakhirku di Jogja, tempatku mengenal segala macam hal yang dahulu untuk kubayangkan pun tak pernah, tapi sekarang justru menjadi penghias hidupku yang mungkin akan ada hingga akhir hayat. Aku merasa tak perlu berpamitan sembari mengatakan kata Selamat Tinggal untuk kota ini, disampingvkarna bukan merupakan gayaku, juga ini bukanlah semacam perpisahan karena aku pasti akan datang lagi kesini.

Besok perjalanan baru akan dimulai, bekerja dan menghidupi diri sendiri di pulau seberang, Bali. Walau hidupku terasa begitu cepat tapi aku tetap semangat. Semoga alam semesta senantiasa menolong.


Jogja, 24 februari 2013,12:04

Monday, February 18, 2013


The last day has come,
Time to prove all what we have learn,
Create real way to make dream come true,
Plan to plan,
Nothing change still just like me,
Like me,
Nothing change...

Yogyakarta, 18 February 2013, 23:38

Friday, February 15, 2013

I Will Wait For You

I don't really know what was going on,
Until I found that I was alone,
Without you here to hold my hand,
To make me back to the place where I belong to...

Sitting here waiting,
Waiting for the moment to see your smile again,
Where I can skip the knockin clock,
Where the place which is only you and me there...

I will wait,
Forget and forgive all the past,
Open the new tab,
Write over the blank page,
Drawing again and again your smiling face,
As my own inspiration...

I can't erase you on my mind,
Even I already tried,
Lost my mind,
Broke my soul,
But you still there,
More real than the real...

Even it was gone for three years ago,
But I will wait for you,
Until my hair turning grey,
Until my eyes blurry,
Until I can't spell my own name...

I will wait for you...

Jogja, 15 February 2013, 01:33

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bad Sucker Guy

Where we going now, could you makes my mind turning slow?
Make alive all the shadow, until all the mistake seems fade into the sorrow,
If you leave me alone, how could I coming back home?
My life nothing left than like a silly clown, turning and rolling to the town,
Looking for nothing than loosing mind, well several call me kind,
Take some laugh and telling lie to make all the people enjoy the show,
Like a garbage just need to be throw,
Try all the cure, medicine, drugs, all about loosing mind,
Today when sun goes up, admire behind the window,
The shine suddenly slap, make my eyes turning glow,
The moment changing black, for an hour the fibril getting slack,
Am I bad sucker guy? Am I try to be bad sucker guy?
How could this village boy, playing mind as a toy!
I dont know, how could the answer can be know?
Traveling around, looking around,
I got nothing to hide as a secret anymore, count all the score,
My sense as admiring, is only silly smiling,
No brave, no grave, no cave,
No love, no loose, no choose...

Somewhere around Jogja, February 12, 2013, 05:17

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Adorable Summoned

Get launch behind Satan laugh,

Nowhere man living on the edge,
Something borrowed already lost,
All about the trust and believe...

Now you got nothing to lose,
Prepare good time and take suitcase,
On the bucket-list the shows waiting the man,
But the action never more than stay on preparation,

The times running away your mind,
Seems dull and you don't know what to do,
No more trees and the sand,
You had to hide your face on the shame...

You got nothing anymore,
Preparation is all about addiction,
The shows is over and the man is die,
The actions burried into the grave...

Jogja, February, 10, 2013, 13:36

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Nowegian Wood

I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me;
She showed me her room, isn't it good, Norwegian wood?

She asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere,
So I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair.

I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine,
We talked until two and then she said, "It's time for bed"

She told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh.
I told her I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath

And when I awoke I was alone, this bird had flown
So I lit a fire, isn't it good, Norwegian wood.

Nowegian Wood by The Beatles

Lagu ini aku dengar ketika matahari sedang bersembunyi di balik kelut mendung, air hujan perlahan dan seolah kekal terus menerus mengucur, tak deras pula tak rintik, entah apa namanya. Playlist hanya satu, hanya Norwegian Wood ini, sembari mencorat coret buku gambar, pikiran pun melayang entah kemana. Disini, dikamar ini hanya ada aku, gelas besar berisi kopi hitam pekat asal Tana Toraja, dan dua linting ganja dari Aceh. Waktu berlalu seolah tengah terburu buru, sudah 6 jam lamanya di kamar ini, dan hujan masih setia dengan iramanya. Playlist pun masih hanya lagu ini, kertas menumpuk dengan coretan yang absurd dan tak tampak nyata. Aku serasa menyatu dan dejavu dengan lagu ini. Aku berandai, berimajinasi, dan mengingat kapan kiranya kisah di lagu ini pernah terjadi padaku? Aku pernah merasakannya, tapi entah dimana, masih terasa nyaman dalam ingatan, tapi begitu bodoh untuk di paksakan tersenyum ketika mengingatnya.

Aku berjalan menelusuri toko loakan buku bekas dan melihat ada sebuah buku yang berjudul Norwegian Wood, tanya per tanya pun dilontarkan, dan memutuskan untuk hendak membeli bukunya, dan ujung cerita tak jadi beli karena ternyata saya tak ada uang sama sekali. Besok berganti besok, cerita per cerita pun diceritakan. Ada kawan yang juga senang membaca buku, tanya per tanya pun dilontarkan, dan ujung cerita dia punya buku berjudul Norwegian Wood dengan penulis Haruki Murakami tahun 1987, aku bilang aku mau pinjam boleh? Tentu saja boleh. 

Buku setebal 6 halaman ini berhasil tuntas dalam waktu dua hari, ceritanya pun istimewah dan kalau saya ceritakan disini maka nanti anda tak merasakan hal yang sama dengan saya rasakan, jadi mending anda beli atau pinjam bukunya dan baca. Dan lagi lagi hal yang sama waktu mendengarkan lagu Norwegian Wood datang kembali, dejavu pun ikut ikutan, entah dimana kejadian ini pernah terjadi.

Jombor, February , 07, 2013, 02:00

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

I am on The Wheel

If the light turning off,
I would better blurry rather than fade away,
see small light,
then I will hold it up,
put it on my pocket heart,
on the secrecy briefcase,
when the light turning on,
I am still there standing proud,
still learn and want something more,
fulfill all the things,
keep it alive,
make it as sign of simply happiness,
never feel die,
never feel useless,
emptiness is all in nature,
nothing more to protect than love it self,
nothing more to dream  than crossing the universe,
I cant stand here for long long time,
moving, playing, thinking,
creating, singing, smiling,
 The times running faster,
faster rather than rolling coaster,
leave all the loser far behind...
Jombor, 6 February 2013, 00:09

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Stories from Instagram World

 Here I am watching you, watching all the things that people did everytime, make them come into my mind and makes me happy even just for a while, think about them, care without words of them.

 I always drawing all the time, mostly. I just curious when I read bibliography of Leonardo Da Vinci which is always drawing in his life and he got 200.000 sketch collections. I want it more in my life, not to be famous, but just to make more comfortable to runnin my life.

 Yes I love books so much, so much. When you try to know me, try to make some little conversations about the book, all the book. Fictions, science, culture, arts, music, movie, all the things.

Yes, I know. Books.

I am coming from small unknown village in South Sulawesi called Tana Toraja. And now I am living in Jogja, and after february 2013 I will leave this lovely city and going to another lovely city called Kuta in Bali.

 Scoote, yes this is mine, I gave him name Jimmy.

 What I think about life is S.U.C.K when we face it without doing something benefit for someone else, no matter, however, its all about sharing.

I gave you two of my finger as a sign to make you smile, and want to be my friend. Nothing more, just friend, that's it.

 What was come into my mind, I cannot really understand it if I havent draw it or write it into blank paper.

 I am respect to the time.

Coffee tester, cigarette machine. Close your mouth dont speak useless and talkative. Close your eyes dont look at the things that you doesnt want to see. Close your ears to not listen shitty words.

She is my "anonymous" inspirations, she actually never really exist into reality, just my imagination, well maybe some people will think that she is someone from my past, or maybe I was stuck in the moment and cannot get out. No, absolutely not, she give me inspirations to make my drawing much better, that's it.

 Are you can see it? She is my "anonymous inspirations". That's all folks :D

Well, I am the ugly duck, mean never really care about my own style lol

 Someday, I wanna try to be fashion designer. Because I love to see people style in their life, even I dont care about my own style, but really my life is dedicate to someone else, to sharing, to loving, to caring.
 The owl, silent when everybody busy and busy when everybody silent.

 Light my fire.

That's all what I can tell you about me, I mean something that people doesnt know will knowable. All of this photos already publish in Instagram. And you can add me if you got domain in Instagram: da_armstrong

Jogja Jombor, February , 03, 2013. 17:05

Sesederhana Itu

Kemarin kita bertemu, 
kita berbiara panjang lebar.
mengenai segala macam hal yang kau sukai, 
yaitu seni katamu dengan senyuman,
penjelmaan imajinasi lewat raga,
sesederhana itu kau jawab...
Selang beberapa waktu kita bertemu, 
kau menyapa, 
mengajakku menuju pegelaran seni, 
aku mengiyakan, 
karena tertarik, 
sesederhana itu...
Bertemu lagi setelah beberapa pekan,
kau berontak dalam keluhan, 
menyalahkan hal yang tak tampak,
memanipulasi segala macam hal dengan kata kata,
pola pikirmu yang sederhana mulai berubah,
semua berubah katamu dengan tersenyum datar...
Ada apa tanyaku,
kau diam melihat gelasmu yang belum kau sentuh, 
entah merenungi apa hanya kau yang tahu, 
tanpa kata hingga beberapa waktu berlalu,
aku jenuh katamu pelan hingga terdengar berbisik,
jenuh akan segala macam hal yang awalnya menarik,
semakin jauh lamunanmu,
kata katamu berubah jadi suara angin,
tak terdengar,
kau seruput coklat panasmu yang sudah dingin,
kau ingin pulang,
hanya sekata lelah katamu, 
sesederhana itu...

Jombor, 3 Februari 2013, 01:07