Wednesday, September 15, 2010

God and Me

"I do believe in God, God is the end of human way... I don't believe in any religion, religion make sad, religion make me cant control my own life, religion trap my step, religion make me doesn't know who I'am... I have God but I don't have any religion... I do believe in God but I don't trust any religion... So, I celebrate all of religious festivals in all religions in the whole of world..." Armstrong da Jimmy

Monday, September 13, 2010

Semut Hitam dan Manusia

Mereka berjalan bergerombol dengan sejenis mereka, tak pernah mereka hendak menoleh kebelakang jalan lurus kedepan menuju sebuah tujuan entah kemana. Semut hitam. Entah apa yang membuat mereka jika saling berhadapan dengan sesama semut hitam selalu bersapa satu sama lain, malah terlihat sedang bertukar informasi tentang sesuatu yang cuma mereka yang mengerti, dan setiap perjumpaan dan pertemuan diantara mereka diawali dan diakhiri dengan berjabat tangan. Ah manusia kenapa pula tak meniru mereka.

Semut hitam lebih senang pada segala makanan yang dimakan manusia yang rasanya manis, gula adalah favorit mereka, kata pepatah dimana ada gula disitu ada semut. Semut hitam tak suka mencari masalah, berbeda dengan semut merah yang selalu mencari masalah dengan menggigit manusia terutama, dan jika semut merah menggigit manusia maka mereka akan berakhir dengan kematian tragis, rata dengan kulit tangan manusia lewat sekali hamtam.

Semut hitam, ada yang kecil dan ada yang besar. Layaknya manusia, semut kecil tak nampak ketakutan didalam hidup mereka, mereka tak takut akan kematian saat terinjak oleh kaki manusia atau menjadi sasaran empuk buat binatang lain yang suka makan semut, mereka tetap menunjukkan ke-eksistensian mereka didepan umum. Nampaklah mereka hidup berjalan bergerombol di dinding kamar, ditempat sampah, di toilet, dan ditempat fovorit mereka dapur. Dan semut kecil jika di ambilkan contoh sebagai manusia maka mereka adalah balita menuju remaja, lihat saja istilah jaman sekarang mengenai kenakalan remaja era informatika, dimana mana selalu saja remaja yang mendominasi, di mall, di tanah lapang, di game center, dan tempat yang paling banyak yaitu ditempat hiburan. Mereka para remaja jika menurut Rhoma Irama dalam lagunya 'biasanya para remaja berpikirnya sekali saja tanpa menghiraukan akibatnya...' dan inilah samanya dengan semut hitam kecil, mereka ada dimana mana dan selalu memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang besar.

Semut hitam besar. Biasanya akan kita temuka di halaman rumah, dalam hutan, di atas gunung, dan pekuburan. Mereka lebih sering menggigit manusia, berkelahi dengan sasamanya, dan tak pernah bergerombol dengan sesamanya apalagi bertukar sapa apalagi bertemu di salah satu tempat yang banyak semut hitam besarnya. Sangat mirip mereka dengan manusia dewasa pada umumnya, anak dewasa tak pernah diam berada dalam rumah selalu berkeliaran kemana mana, ada sedikit masalah dengan sesama dewasa diakhiri dengan perkelahian, banyak juga yang senang mencari petualangan dengan naik keatas gunung untuk sebuah ketenangan,jika manusia dewasa jalan jalan bergerombol dengan sesamanya akan merasa tak nyaman karena anggapan kekanak kanakan akan mereka terima, dan manusia dewasa biasanya kelihatan angkuh dan sombong tak kenal maka tak sapa.

Andai semua manusia mau meniru cara hidup semut hitam kecil maka indahnya hidup akan sangat sayang tak nikmati apabila tak membagi rasa peduli dengan sesama walau hanya dengan tiap bertemu sapa dengan sesama manusia saling bertukar seutas senyuman, dan sangat membahagiakan apabila tak usah kenal yang penting sama sama manusia saling berjabat tangan! What a wonderful world!

Cinta akan ada dimana mana. Takkan ada rasisme, fasisme, kolonialisme, apalagi perang. Karena manusia yang tetap saja manusia, warna kulit dan kepercayaan agama takkan menggugah kita untuk saling memusuhi atau merasa jijik karena kita sama sama manusia. Menurut Max Tollenar a.k.a. Multatuli “tugas manusia untuk menjadi manusia”.

Ada dua lagi kelebihan manusia, yang membuat mereka nampak sebagai makhluk hidup paling sempurna di dunia, yaitu hati untuk perasaan dan otak untuk pikiran. Jika manusia mau tahu dan peduli bahwa tiap manusia pasti memiliki perasaan, maka takkan ada lagi rasa iri hati, sombong dan egois, semua manusia tak ingin dianggap egois dan setiap manusia tak ingin orang lain merasa iri hati pada mereka, dan sombong takkan pernah lagi ada karena semua manusia tak ingin melihat orang sombong atau orang lain menyombongkan sesuatu pada mereka. Perasaan akan lebih sensitif untuk melihat manusia lain dalam kesusahan, rasa ingin menolong akan segera merasuki alam sadar mereka untuk segera menolong, itu pasti. Toleransi, tenggang rasa, dan gotong royong yang merupakan simbol abadi rakyat Indonesia namun tak tampak pada masyarakatnya sekarang ini, mengapa? Tak tahu saya. Yang jelas jika kita ingin mengerti perasaan kita sendiri maka secara alamiah akan sama mengertinya kita pada orang lain. Walau orang lain memang memiliki watak yang berbeda beda, namun hati itu pada dasarnya tercipta untuk kebaikan.

Pikiran. Yah lagi lagi jika pikiran mampu kita gunakan dengan baik dan sungguh sungguh, apa yang takkan mungkin kita ciptakan? Kita sudah tahu mana yang harus kita lakukan, dan mana yang harus kita tinggalkan, tinggal cara penerapannya saja yang musti kita pelajari. Buku buku ilmu pengetahuan tentang apa pun ada di dunia ini, sejarah telah melahirkan para ilmuan, para seniman, dan berbagai macam orang luar biasa di dunia ini, dan semuanya ada dalam buku. Memang terkadang susah untuk mencari bukunya, namun sekarang kan sudah jaman modern, tekhnologi berkembang di segala macam bidang. Pikirkan sedikit saja jika kita ini mampu mempelajari apa saja, dan mengajarkan pada orang yang belum tahu. Rene Descartes pernah bilang “aku berfikir maka aku ada”, bagaimana mungkin manusia dikatakan ada jika tak menggunakan pikirannya! Berpikir cara untuk membahagiakan setiap manusia di dunia ini!

Apa yang tak bisa dilakukan jika kita mau belajar? Pelajari sesuatu dari diri sendiri, perasaan dan pikiran. Kemudian pelajari dunia dan mahkluk hidup yang ada di dunia, manusia dan alam yang paling utama.

Salam cinta untuk semua manusia.

Jimmy Armstrong, Purwokerto 13092010, 22:46

Friday, September 10, 2010


The colors of the rainbow start to shine after the ends of the rain.

All the things under the skies bloody wet. Thought impossibility if the God of the rain are stay over the seas? Who is them? Poseidon or Neptune? The young brother of Zeus or Jupiter and the elder brother of Hades the underground natural ruler! Hahaha I guess not them. I think there were some incredible thing that would make it! Not because of the mythological Greece God, but maybe there was another God of the God. Someone over there maybe will saying 'why we should care?'

"About water?"

"Yes about water! Did you will say you didn't care about the water?"

"Or about the God?"

"Might several people out there didn't believe the God..."

"About human?"


No water mean no life. No God mean no human. No human mean? mean everything. No human will no story to tell and no something to share. Water bringing life for all the thing above the earth, where the place of human stay alive.


"Hmmm where the God staying?"

"No one know, and we shouldn't have to know"


"Because the God life anywhere! The God life in human mind heart and soul"

Human existence...

"What the hell about this one?"

Most of human said "the existence of human shown when they were thinking and the doing something" And another people will saying "I dont care!". Again and again...

So let we choose what we gonna to do and wanna to do...

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Memories of a Shy Woman

35 years I mourned deeply regret will be the memories, kneeling in a shabby old wicker chair while embroidering. Sometimes I'm waiting for something that has been lost, something has gone for as long as ever. Now I just get through the day today in a lonely, lonely in a never-ending waiting. Here, this wicker chair 35 years ago a man named Karnaen has declared his love for me. But the shock of emotion makes me happy can not utter a word, nervousness makes me upset that I ran into the room and locked it, I closed my face with my hands, my cheeks flushed and I held a deep shame in my heart that either come from anywhere. I stand long enough emotion was mingled happily in the room, because to me it Karnaen same feelings as I feel. Until I realized when Karnaen calling calling my name outside the house near the old wicker chair. I do not know what I must do, my lips locked and the keys seemed to disappear for some where, my body forced my legs to stand up to Karnaen but I think I'm paralyzed.I just sat frozen without a word and do not know what to listen to words of love Karnaen shouted outside the home. Flutter in my chest that whatever its name, seemed suffocating.

My name is Ning, 53 years old I now tread, I was old enough, without companion, without requiring the person I'm happy for my partner to cook food, cook the most delicious food ever made. Only for himself. Karnaen.

War is natural to bring Karnaen eternity, where he's waiting for me until we eventually reunited there. But why did he go so fast, so fast did not have time to bring me into the aisle, biting both above the sacred bond of eternal nan. "It was all because of me, which can not be met said it was time ..." groaned within me, while I cry for the memories. As if the memory was talking to thought.

"That's the shy girl oh memories, you will be missed at that time has long passed ..."

"But he could not understand why the happy glow on my face that indicates that a sense of who I think just as he felt?"

"Humans have a sense of the senses must be stimulated so that they can be used, when your throat's dry then with idle hands and your mouth will work together to drinking water was a little thirsty fleeting ..."

"I think my explanation is too lengthy tele and I do not understand at all!"

"Is it enough in praise of beauty only by the eye? Or food delicacy enjoyed only by the mouth? "Lamented memories

"Well, I was wrong when I and Karnaen met when me and my friend was on the way to school and she came over and said what my answer when he said that he loved me yesterday in front of my house, but not a word that I was able to pronounce, and I hope he does not berpatah zeal in searching whether I love him too ... And indeed I loved him ... "

"One says yes you can change everything and did not throw you in a prolonged remorse over this ..." the final word from memory

The last words from the memory of him waking in reverie, the old days it has carved a face that no longer young. Now a distant memory that is written and haunting memories of that spread through the story to the story. The story of a woman's memories of the shy ...

End ...

July 1, 2010
Inspiration From: Theater Performances "Remember Memories of a Shy Woman"

Jimmy The Clown (English Version)

Once, somewhere far away on another planet that resembles Earth is almost exactly live person. Someone who, if we view the common people in general view is shown as someone who, hmmmm how to think about mentioning the word politely to a freak?

The physical looks of it seems not much different from those of others within it is located, 164cm tall and weighs 55kg. Only the appearance of eccentricity in keseharianna activity which makes it look different, be advised it works as a 'clown'.

Clown name, according to people who had exchanged greetings with him is Jimmy.People familiar with the name calling in the form of Jimmy Clown cool. And people do not know or did not know and those who do not want to know about her will say 'oh, sibadut nan crazy weird is that? " ekspressi complete with quivering lips seemed indifferent and did not want to continue discussing the sign of Jimmy. But that's Jimmy, and he was happy with his life. While there are certainly others like it do not like. 'Life should be balanced between laughter and anger, between smiles and trash, between love and betrayal' of a time kubersapa him.

Jimmy, it seems eccentric appearance. Long wavy hair shoulder length, but because it looks neat if he treat her hair with bersampo every day. Necklace and bracelet competitive advantage, piling stacks enliven the neck and wrists, when walking a little bit sexy because walking is always singing a happy song. Thick-framed glasses and glass are not too close together to cover her face minus the usual normal, not heroic intent.

'Hah! What you say? "

'He does not like clowns! just look at his appearance far, far away from the impression of a clown! you are making there! "

'Yes indeed you are correct. Jimmy did not wear distinctive clothing clowns in general, with a small red ball attached to the nose, also with colorful patterned gombrang clothes and a pillow worn around the stomach to look fat or anything with a pair of shoes on his feet too big to be making trouble as he stepped up to look as if she were dancing. One thing I want to emphasize to you! He is not the clowns in general, he's special! "

'Specials as what you mean? "

'Let you specify what what is being done by a clown until he deserves being a clown says? "

For a moment the man lifted imajiansi remember remember not determine what the characteristics of a clown when doing the action.

'Clown approximately wiggled her hips and belly are often the same as too big, too often obscure applauding themselves, and another one is always calling people who watch the show laugh out loud with a stupid action. "

'That's Jimmy's life that you just described, but the passing another viewpoint. "

'Mean? "

'Instead of a clown there for a smile? or just laughter from others who got a glimpse of the action watching the clown? "

'Yes right and its relationship with the Jimmy? "

'You should try to know the Jimmy's first, at least invite her to come chat that you are interested. Then you'll get one thing, namely to feel happy, smiling and always carry an intellectual class farce that will make the amazed wonder. Will also be many other things that you get after completion of your chat. I and several people I have relayed this to try and always successful. "

He is a clown in a strange version, well I think if that had not had time to get a polite word to compose a strange word. But very happy and very good friends with him who had never seen in his life dogged by problems.

He is the Jimmy. Jimmy the Clown.

To be continued ...