Saturday, June 12, 2010

Roads Not Only Unidirectional

I left the bench, lay the final candidate hardback book above ...

Now onwards it so memorable, it does not mean a break also the road traveled but others prove the wide streets and waited for the lead ...

Ridiculed, scorned and avoided as an option?

Proud of, admired and approachable as an option?

So where happiness when taking an option?

Reflected in the increasingly heavy regret taking steps to immediately and stop running ...

Smile in the hard work to knock down all the things people said about the impossibility ...

Life's only once, from toddlers to teenagers to adults to older workers bound senile and forgotten until death comes as the end ...

As long as there semagnat eternal flames of burning tanks, even the wind from all corners of the eyes with a flick of the wind storm about to come crashing into the ranks of future plans will not melt the heart with trepidation ...

Just choose one way and sacrificed as a serious one, realize your dreams, or stop in place and then die ...

Cafeteria, May2010

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